Tuesday, October 22, 2013

King Fergus!!

Another King Fergus Doodle! Col-Erase on Moleskine.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Quick Tutorial - Photoshop Save and Increment

One of the missing features in Photoshop but available in other Adobe products is the very useful Save and Increment. This means saving a file and automatically assigning a different name, as an example 'namefile-v6.jpg'. This doesn't exist in photoshop and you have to manually write it.

I personally use Hazel to do this for me. Hazel is a very useful utility that automate some tasks on your OS (for example deleting files from your download folder after a couple of days or moving files to another folder depending on their name or size, etc...)

As I have to show many iterations of my concept artworks to my clients I have this Hazel Rule that helps me creating files without even thinking about it. I just save my file and Hazel automatically rename and increment it.

This is how the rule is set:

This means that every time I save a file containing the word 'iteration' and with the extension '.jpg' into a specific folder the OS will automatically add an incremented file name.

Pretty simple and VERY useful! :)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Inktober Sketch #9

Quick sketch because I had to catch it up with the 9 drawings. Now I am on time with #Inktober. :)

Inktober sketch #8 - Wildstar FanArt

The Inktober of the day is also another Wildstar FanArt. Aurins look awesome (and sexy) with those rabbit ears. But wait,... Who's the rabbit? Who's the hunter?

#Inktober #Wildstar 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Inktober Sketch #7

Very special 'Inktober' sketch today. A special day. My daughter's birthday.
She has been asking for a very long time a cat but it is not really possible. Instead I hope that this drawing will be a fair present.

#Inktober #Birthday #LosAngeles #Barcelona

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Inktober sketch #4

Based on a previous drawing this is the Inktober of the day! #Inktober

Friday, October 4, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013
